Admissions Counselor - Lamoni Campus

Melissa Williams

Admissions Counselor - Lamoni Campus


BS in Journalism, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS;
MA in Higher Ed Administration, University of Missouri, Kansas City

Phone Number

Office: 816.787.1686

Cell Phone Number

Cell: 913.787.0155

Admissions Counselor - Lamoni Campus

The Starfish story has been a prime motivator for me in everything I do. To make the story short: a man walking along the beach noticed that so many starfish had landed on the beach and couldn’t get back in the water. The man began throwing them in one by one when a bystander said, you are wasting your time trying to get them all back in the water. But the man said, “Not to this one” and he threw it in the water. I hope to make an impact on a lot of people. But if I am “on the beach at the right time” (ie-at Graceland University at this time.) I want to make a difference to that one, or more, future “Star” Yellowjacket!

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. –Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.