Our Journey Together

Established in 1895 by Community of Christ, Graceland’s relationship with its sponsoring church runs deep.

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Community of Christ (then known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or RLDS) first began exploring the idea of a church-sponsored college as early as 1869. However, the college was not established until 1890 by General Conference Resolution Number 335.

Lamoni, Iowa, was selected as the site for the college in December 1893 after the first 47 acres of land had been secured from Marietta Walker and others. An early plan for the original 66 2/3-acre “Graceland Addition” called for the college (which was then planned to be a single building) to be surrounded by several meandering avenues and homes; sales of plots would be used for erecting the college building.

For over 125 years, Graceland University has been based on the Christian values of human dignity, mutual respect and social responsibility, Graceland welcomes persons of all faiths. It actively supports the counsel of its sponsoring denomination, Community of Christ, to “seek learning even by study, and also by faith” and indeed offers tangible expression of the church’s commitment to the open and free pursuit of knowledge through higher education.

Community of Christ Logo

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Community of Christ Seminary

The Community of Christ Seminary at Graceland University is solidly grounded in the Christian faith and shaped by its religious heritage and tradition. This tradition understands that God’s will and purpose for the world and the church continue to emerge out of the process of faithful response to human need.

The seminary offers a Master of Arts in Religion with three different concentrations: Christian Theology, Spiritual Leadership, Peace and Justice.



Nations where Community of Christ is present

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A History of Generosity

More than 125 years ago, Marietta Walker stepped forward in an amazing act of generosity, donating the initial plot of land that Graceland now calls home. The “mother of Graceland” contributed far more than the initial land to our beloved institution.

Walker dreamed of a college that was open to “all who wished to enter.”