Decoration Graphic

Learning Outcome Five: Knowledge of Human Cultures – Histories
Students will be able to apply knowledge and methodologies from diverse fields (arts, humanities, social science, and histories) to explain, analyze and reflect upon human experiences. This involves the ability to identify patterns in human behaviors and cultures, noting commonalities and differences and the ability to creatively produce works that synthesize these concepts.

  • 3 s.h. Histories from list of courses approved for this outcome by the Essential Education Committee
    Sustainability Theme
    HIST1310 World Civilizations I
    HIST1560 United States Environmental History
    Equality and Peace Theme
    HIST1200 History of the African Diaspora
    HIST2200 Survey of Latin American History I
    HIST2210 Survey of Latin American History II
    HIST2340 Middle Eastern Civilization I
    HIST2360 Middle Eastern Civilization II
    HIST/POLS3240 Rights & Responsibilities in the United States
    PEAC/POLS2200 Introduction to Peace Studies
    Innovation Theme
    HIST1320 World Civilizations II
    HIST2410 United States History to 1877
    HIST2420 United States History Since 1877


Approved course descriptions:

HIST1200 History of the African Diaspora 3 s.h.
A history of the people of African descent in the Americas, including the United States, as well as the Caribbean, Central and South America. Issues of survival and resistance, the persistence of racism and white supremacy, and struggles for freedom, across countries and time periods, will be stressed. Goal 4, ELO5 Histories – Equality, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

HIST1310 World Civilizations I 3 s.h.
An introductory survey of selected world civilizations from earliest times to approximately 1500 A.D., combining broad chronological coverage with intensive concentration on a small number of selected topics. Those social, political, economic and intellectual themes which have a direct bearing upon contemporary culture and society will be stressed. Goal 4, ELO5 Histories – World Citizenship, ELO5 Histories – Sustainability

HIST1320 World Civilizations II 3 s.h.
An introductory survey of selected world civilizations from the emergence of Western Europe as a center of world power. The impact of Western civilizations upon the development of other world civilizations and the contemporary emergence of a global perspective will be stressed. Goal 4, ELO5 Histories – World Citizenship, ELO5 Histories – Innovation

HIST1560 United States Environmental History 3 s.h.
An examination of the complex relationship between human society and nature from early settlements to the present in what is now the United States. Important topics include the impact of human settlement, population growth, use of land and natural resources, the effects of industrialization, and the development of the conservation and environmental movements. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Sustainability

HIST2200 Survey of Latin American History I 3 s.h.
A history of the peoples of the Americas, from their arrival in the western hemisphere through the 19th century. Topics to be addressed include Native American societies and states, the encounter with Europe, the long colonial period, and struggles for political and economic independence. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – World Citizenship, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

HIST2210 Survey of Latin American History II 3 s.h.
A history of the peoples of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, from the 19th century to the present. Topics to be addressed include struggles for political and economic independence, social movements, and the influence of North American and other outside powers. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – World Citizenship, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

+ HIST2340 Middle Eastern Civilization I 3 s.h.
A survey of Middle Eastern civilization from the pre-Islamic Middle East to 1500 with attention to the origins and growth of Islam, the cultural and economic impact of the Islamic empire and the relationship with other regions. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Peace, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

+ HIST2360 Middle Eastern Civilization II 3 s.h.
A survey of the Middle East from 1500 to the present, beginning with the rise of the Ottoman and Safavid empires. Attention will be given to the growth of European interests in the Middle East and the response to that interest, as well as the making of modern states in the Middle East. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Peace, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

HIST2410 United States History to 1877 3 s.h.
A survey of the personalities, events, and ideas which have shaped United States history from the earliest colonial settlements to the Civil War and Reconstruction. Emphasis upon the struggle for independence, the establishment of government under the Constitution, and the succeeding political, social, and economic movements that culminated in the Civil War. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Innovation

HIST2420 United States History Since 1877 3 s.h.
A survey of the personalities, events, and ideas that have shaped United States history since the Civil War and Reconstruction. Emphasis upon the rise of the industrial United States, 20th century adjustments to prosperity, depression and world war, and the political, social, and economic changes since World War II. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Innovation

+ HIST3240 Rights and Responsibilities in the United States (Also POLS3240) 3 s.h.
A study of the history of the creation and evolving interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, with emphasis on important issues decided by the Supreme Court. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Equality, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

PEAC2200 Introduction to Peace Studies (Also POLS2200) 3 s.h.
Introduces the field of peace studies with a survey of the historical and philosophical bases for peacemaking, patterns of conflict resolution, nonviolence, history of peace movements, world order models, alternative futures, positive peace, and career options. Goal 3E, ELO5 Histories – Peace, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace

+ POLS3240 Rights and Responsibilities in the United States (Also HIST3240) 3 s.h.
A study of the history of the creation and evolving interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, with emphasis on important issues decided by the Supreme Court. Goal 1B, ELO5 Histories – Equality, ELO5 Histories – Equality and Peace


+ Denotes an alternate year course.

++ Denotes a course on a four-year cycle.