Decoration Graphic

Learning Outcome Three: Ethical Thinking and Action
Students can articulate their own ethical beliefs and identify ethical issues.  Considering diverse ethical perspectives and/or frameworks, students can consider the social dimensions of an issue and outcomes of ethical action, assessing ethical decision-making and action in light of the worth of persons, and/or values of community, justice, and/or the common good.

  • 3 s.h. from the following list of courses approved for this outcome by the Essential Education Committee:
      Sustainability Theme
    PHIL1200 Environmental Ethics
      Equality and Peace Theme
    EDUC2120 Human Relations for Educators
    PHIL2340 Finding Peace in Identity
    PHIL2410 Reason and Religion
    PHIL2440 Social Dimensions of Equality
    RELG1400 Making Meaning from Suffering and Loss
    RELG2130 Introduction to New Testament
    RELG2220 Religion and Social Justice
    RELG2380 Life and Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    RELG1310 Tyrant or Lover? God in the old Testament
    RELG3540 Peace and Justice in the Christian Tradition
    RELG3900B Topic: God and Sex
      Innovation Theme
    PHIL1100 Philosophy of Death and Dying
    PHIL2420 World Philosophy
    RELG3360 Ethics of Hope
    SOCI3110 Community Studies


Approved course descriptions:

EDUC2120 Human Relations for Educators 3 s.h.
Development of awareness of various societal subgroups, recognizing and dealing with dehumanizing biases, and learning to relate effectively to various groups in order to foster respect for diversity. Emphasis on self-awareness in human relations issues and how this awareness can be translated into positive relationships. Introduction to pedagogical, curricular, and social considerations involved in educating various societal subgroups. Goal 3E, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

+ PHIL1100 The Philosophy of Death and Dying 3 s.h.
An exploration of philosophical issues related to death and dying. Examines the ethical scope of end-of-life decisions, obligations toward the dead and dying, and appropriate attitudes toward death, including evaluating the possibility of an afterlife. Offered even year springs. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Innovation

PHIL1200 Environmental Ethics 3 s.h.
An overview of environmental ethics, which analyzes the ethical responsibilities of human beings toward the natural world. Explores the diverse perspectives on and responses to environmental problems and analyzes the ethical underpinnings of these responses and perspectives. Goal 3E, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Sustainability

PHIL2340 Finding Peace in Identity 3 s.h.
A survey of personal identity, appealing to metaphysical and value theoretical issues as they relate to the self. Addresses the influence of memory, collective experience, and narrative on accounts of the nature of persons and assesses ethical implications of the accounts. Goal 3E, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Peace, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

+ PHIL2410 Reason and Religion 3 s.h.
An examination of issues at the intersection of philosophy and religion. Involves assessment of the rationality of religious and areligious belief, the relationship between morality and religion, and ethical interactions within and among religious traditions. Offered odd year falls. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Peace, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

PHIL2420 World Philosophy 3 s.h.
A survey of philosophical worldviews with origins in differing traditions, appealing to historical and contemporary Western and non-Western philosophy. Addresses fundamental philosophical issues from a variety of perspectives and evaluates points of convergence and divergence. Goal 3E, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – World Citizenship, ELO3 Ethical Thinking – Innovation

PHIL2440 Social Dimensions of Equality 3 s.h.
An examination of different conceptions of ethical social relationships and ethical behavior. Considers varying accounts of theories of value and right action with critical analysis of systemic and social influences on individual and collective interactions. Goal 3E, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

RELG1310 Tyrant or Lover? God in the Old Testament 3 s.h.
Introduces students to the Hebrew Bible, a diverse collection of writings that emerged from the faith and experience of ancient Israel and early Judaism. Themes, stories, characters, and the entire collection itself inform 3 of the world’s major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This fact makes the Hebrew Bible a sacred library with global significance. Explores the diverse literature of the Hebrew Bible in light of its genres, historical and social contexts, ethical/theological aims, and relationship to Ancient Near Eastern cultures. Of special importance is how the Hebrew Bible’s images of social justice have informed and can still inspire the search for justice in the contemporary world. Goal 2B, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – World Citizenship, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

+ RELG1400 Making Meaning from Suffering and Loss 3 s.h.
Considers various spiritual and religious approaches to the reality of suffering in human experience. We will explore this theme through literature, poetry, music, film, and sacred texts. Using these and other resources, students will engage many of the challenges suffering poses to a meaningful life. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Peace, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

RELG2130 Introduction to New Testament 3 s.h.
A study of the early Christian community and the literature that it produced. It seeks to enable the student to discern the contemporary relevance of the New Testament faith. History, literature, and theology are unified into one approach. Goal 2B, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Peace, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

RELG2220 Religion and Social Justice 3 s.h.
What are the stories and inspiration of those who work for social justice? Religion and Social Justice introduces students to social justice as a basic concept of Western social and political thought. Students will explore religious and ethical foundations for social justice and the role of religion that shape the imperative for social justice in a pluralistic and secularizing world. Goal 2B, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

RELG2380 Life and Writings of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 3 s.h.
Examines the life and circumstances of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a black Baptist preacher, scholar, and American prophet who has been whitewashed, romanticized, and misunderstood. Central themes include racism in America, the US Civil Rights Movement, black Christianity and the black church, non-violence, and MLK’s vision for America. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

RELG3360 Ethics of Hope 3 s.h.
Hope is a central construct of Western theology and thought. Ethics of hope introduces students to the intellectual tradition and spiritual resources of hope. Students will be encouraged to explore hope in their own worldview, and how application of the ethics of hope can shape individual, collective (communal and global), and professional life. ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Innovation

RELG3540 Peace and Justice in the Christian Tradition 3 s.h.
Christian theology is a centuries-long conversation about the meaning of Jesus’ life and message. As theologians have interpreted their faith, they have often pondered questions of justice and peace. How can the nonviolent message of Jesus challenge cultures of oppression? Can war ever be ‘just’? What insights might theological traditions offer to help critique forces that perennialize poverty? What ethical resources can Christian traditions apply to environmental degradation or the search for gender justice? This course explores such questions by focusing them through the thought of key theologians from across the centuries: e.g., Augustine of Hippo, Julian of Norwich, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Oscar Romero, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Letty Russell. We explore how these thinkers’ questions and proposals remain ethically meaningful in the contemporary World. Goal 2B, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Peace, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality and Peace

RELG3900B Topic: God and Sex 3 s.h.
Explores the interconnections of God, sexuality, and gender. This seminar integrates perspectives on gender and sexuality from a Judeo-Christian perspective in theology and scripture with how the lived experience of gender and sexuality shapes perspectives on God, scripture, and faith. How perspectives of God and sex affect the relationship of faith and ethics regarding gender and sexuality will be immanent throughout readings and discussion. Goal 3E, ELO3 Ethical Thinking and Action – Equality

SOCI3110 Community Studies 3 s.h.
Explores various approaches to and studies of community. Topics include forms of community, community development, community organizing, community assessment, place attachment, community power structure, community trauma, and crime and community. ELO3 Ethical Thinking – Innovation