Alumni Awards Banquet

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Every Homecoming, Graceland honors distinguished alumni and friends at its annual alumni awards banquet. It recognizes three awards: the Graceland Award of Recognition, the Honorary Alumni Award, and the Distinguished Service Award.

Graceland Award of Recognition

This award is made by Graceland University in recognition of those who have demonstrated special contributions of time, talents, resources and personal sacrifices to benefit Graceland University. The recipients must be living but need not be Graceland alumni. The Board of Trustees asked the Alumni Association to establish this award as an additional way to honor the people who support Graceland and university programs in an exceptional way.

Honorary Alumni Award

To recognize, include and honor individuals, living or deceased, who have not been enrolled as students at Graceland but whose affiliation would be beneficial to Graceland and who have related to the goals and purposes of the University and to other alumni as though they had been a member of the student body.

  • Recipients shall have exhibited a strong wish to attend Graceland but were prevented from doing so by unusual events beyond their own control; or
  • Recipients shall have exhibited loyalty, dedication and devotion by exceptionally long and distinguished employment with Graceland; or
  • Recipients shall have developed an attachment to Graceland and exhibited affection, camaraderie and unity with the Graceland community; or
  • Recipients shall have given exceptionally long and dedicated support of Graceland through active involvement and promotion of one or more specific projects or programs.

Distinguished Service Award

This award is given by Graceland University to recognize achievement in a chosen field; service to community, state and nation; good citizenship; humanitarian service; and contribution to society. The recipient must be a living alumni of Graceland, and it must be 10 years since he or she was enrolled at Graceland.

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Distinguished Service Award 2024

Carmen Fisher ’22 has built a remarkable career dedicated to humanitarian service, as a United States Public Health Officer and FDA Federal Agent. She has led critical efforts in global public health crises – serving as a frontline nurse during the Joplin, Mo. tornado, responding to major hurricanes, and commanding teams during the West African Ebola outbreak. During COVID-19, she played a key role in launching global testing sites. Beyond disaster response, Carmen oversees investigations at clinical trial sites and tobacco regulations.

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Graceland Award of Recognition 2024

Team Hampton represents dedication, service, and an enduring love for Graceland University. For over 60 years, Jerry Hampton ’52 and Helen Russell ’52 Hampton have profoundly impacted the university and its community. Jerry devoted 50 years as a coach and professor, shaping generations of students with his education-first approach and leading legendary, championship-winning teams. Helen, a passionate educator, taught aquatics and synchronized swimming while also managing the popular gift shop, Country Plus. Together, they built a legacy beyond campus by establishing the Pizza Shack, a cherished local gathering place.Their family, affectionately known as “Team Hampton,” continues their tradition of service through involvement with Graceland’s boards and staff.

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Honorary Alumni Award 2024

Pat Hoffman received the Honorary Alumni Award in recognition of her remarkable service and unwavering dedication to Graceland University. Over her career, Pat has impacted generations of students, guiding countless individuals to graduation through her exceptional advising. Many alumni fondly credit her with helping them succeed when success felt out of reach. Beyond academics, Pat enriched campus life by advising Intramurals, fostering friendships through recreation, and shaping student leaders with training in teamwork and productivity. Her unwavering commitment to students, especially transfer students, and her support for athletics have left a lasting legacy at Graceland.

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Previous Award Winners

Distinguished Service Award

2024 Carmen Fisher
2023 Jay & Cherry Newcom
2022 Everett Graffeo
2021 Brent Ruoff
2019 David Vaughan
2018 Dr. Gary McLean
2017 Dan Whittemore
2017 Beth Whittemore
2016 Michael Wiley
2014 Kevin Barth
2013 Don Brown
2012 Mark Thoman
2011 Jim Ash
2011 Stu Waite
2011 Michelle Waite
2010 MaryBeth Evans
2009 Jac Kirkpatrick
2009 Sherri Kirkpatrick
2008 Coral Johnson
2008 Kim Johnson
2007 Sam Hansell-Oliver
2007 JR Shaw
2007 Carol Shaw
2006 David Irby
2005 Norman Swails
2005 Bill Higdon
2004 Larry Fairchild
2004 Barbara Howard
2004 Ken McClain
2004 Cynthia McClain
2004 Richard Howard
2003 Paul Edwards
2003 Richard Resch
2002 David Easter
2001 Dwayne Shannon
2001 Dot Shannon
2000 Fred Hausheer
1999 Leonard Boswell
1998 Roger Launius
1997 Vicki Ross
1996 Don Mehlisch
1995 Barbara Higdon
1995 Jim Henson
1994 Berna Thompson-Cummins
1994 Barney Parker
1993 Roy Schaefer
1992 Marilyn Miller
1992 L.A. Wintermeyer
1991 Barbara Potts
1990 Jim Barker
1989 Dan Waite
1989 Jim Rae
1988 Frank Hough
1988 Scott Fisher
1987 F. Bishop
1986 Harry Engle
1985 Bob Bruch
1984 Richard Guthrie
1983 Wally Smith
1982 Emily Spillman
1982 Kisuke Sekine
1981 Mae Feeney
1981 Teresa Carpenter
1980 Dwight Vredenburg
1980 Earl Higdon
1979 Mary Cochran
1978 Merle Harmon
1978 Jane Mercer
1977 Lee Travis
1976 Bruce Jenner
1976 Thomas Cochran
1975 Bob Brackenbury
1975 Evelyn Barritt
1974 Paul Roberts
1973 Sandy Sandage
1973 Kenneth Keown
1972 Arthur Church
1972 Kelley Anderson
1971 Wallace Smith
1970 Charles Grabske
1969 Malcolm Ritchie
1969 Dr. David B. Carmichael
1968 Ray Carmichael
1967 Milton Young
1967 Roy Cheville
1966 Lemuel Curry
1965 Deane Edwards
1965 Ed Gleazer

Graceland Award of Recognition

2024 Jerry & Helen Hampton & Team Hampton
2023 Graceland Employees from the Class of 1965
2022 Kent Bradford
2021 Ron Gillilan
2019 Bob Bell
2019 Steve Upson
2019 Jeanie Upson
2018 Don Hickman
2017 Gretchen Booz
2016 Dean Limric
2016 Soon Ja Limric
2016 Bill Morain
2016 Sherry Morain
2016 Steve Veazey
2015 Gail Brown
2014 Cal Closson
2013 Randy Heintz
2013 Laurie Heintz
2012 Joe Booz
2011 Dick Otis
2011 Carolyn Otis
2010 Riri Mariteragi
2009 Orman Brooner
2009 Colleen Brooner
2008 Tracy Bridge
2008 Chris Bridge
2007 Joe Madaffari
2005 Don Compier
2004 Denise Dudley
2003 Joe Shelton
2002 Lee Ackerley
2002 Bob Ackerley
2001 Richard Hettrick
2001 Patricia Hettrick
2000 Floyd Young
1999 Clara E. Morrell
1999 John Rasmussen
1999 Mary Anne Rasmussen
1999 Marvel Hansen
1998 Donald Hickman
1998 Beverly Hickman
1997 Phillis Davison
1997 Jack Davison
1996 Jim Ash
1996 Pam Ash
1995 Marilyn Smith
1995 John Hinkle
1994 Wayne Thompson
1994 Velma Ruch
1994 Everett Graffeo
1994 Byron Constance
1993 Wanda Talcott Ingram
1993 Arthur Kensler
1993 Hal Talcott
1993 Cherry Newcom
1992 Ella Wiley
1992 Alice Long
1992 Aubery Long
1992 John Wiley
1991 Doris Anderson
1991 Janet Barnhard
1991 Bob Anderson
1991 Bill Barnhard
1990 Denise Leichter
1990 Shirley Remmenga
1990 Bob Fitzgerald
1990 Roy Lockyer
1990 Jan Fitzgerald
1989 Lowell Kuhn
1989 Jim Braby
1989 Carol Kuhn
1988 Christy Christenson
1988 Bettye Kuhnert
1988 Carl Mesle
1988 Charlotte Gould
1987 Elon Tucker
1987 Donald Guinnee
1987 Dorothy Hice
1987 Elmo Gamet
1987 JR Shaw
1987 Hal McKain
1987 Cleo Moon
1987 Helen Guinnee
1987 Judy Closson

Honorary Alumni Award

2024 Pat Hoffman
2022 Rachelle Johnson
2021 Katie Bash
2019 Nita Harder
2018 Kathy Robinson
2017 Beth Whittemore
2017 Rob Keuhl
2016 Bob Fitzgerald
2016 Steve Veazey
2015 Katie McClaran
2015 Ray McClaran
2014 Carol Hough
2014 Kathy Ross
2013 Harold Lambert
2012 Peggy Hausheer
2011 Lucienna Jones
2011 Colleen Brooner
2010 Lewis Muir
2010 Bill Juhnke
2010 Carita Juhnke
2010 Fancheon Muir
2007 Susan Terry Knapp
2007 John Sellars
2006 Bill Brett
2006 Anne Smith
2006 Nora Ackerley
2006 Carmen Ackerley
2006 Lee Ackerley
2006 Bob Ackerley
2006 Florence Ourth
2005 Beverly Constance
2005 Louise Whittington
2005 Jack Davison
2005 Phillis Davison
2005 Byron Constance
2002 Geoff Spencer
2001 Josef Radionov
2000 Ann Everett
1999 Bette Fowler
1999 Charlene Oxley
1993 Clara E. Morrell
1992 Donna Edgerton
1990 Audrey Stubbart
1986 Howard Miller
1981 Patty Parker
1979 Carol Shaw
1978 Ava Carmichael
1978 Rollin Bridge
1978 Alice Sessions

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Contact Alumni Programs

Email our alumni programs team at or call us toll-free at 866.GU4.EVER tel:866-484-3837